General Information

All applicants for the status of residency in Trinida bad Tobago is directed to the provisions of section 5, 6, 7 and 50 (1) of the Immigration Act, 1969 as quoted hereunder:
5  (1) The following persons not being citizens of Trinidad and Tobago are residents of Trinidad and Tobago.  (2) For the purpose of subsections(1)(b) and (d) no period shall be coumted towards the acquisition of resident status which a person -  (3) For the purposes to subsection (1)(f) the MInister may, in his direction, confer the status of a resident on any person he considers fit.
6  (1). Subject to this Act and the regulations, persons who come within the following classes may on application in the prescribed form, be granted permission bt the Minister if he thinks fit, to become residents, that is to say -.  (2) In determining the suitability of an applicant for the grant of resident status under this section, the Minster shall be satisfied, inter alia, that the applicant:
7  (1) Subject to subsection (6) resident status is lost by a person:   (2) Where the Minster is satisfied that a person has been-   (3) For the purposes of paragraph(b) of subsection(2) an habitual criminal is a person who:  (4) The Minister, if he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that a resident:  (5) Any period during which a permitted entrant is in Trinida and Tobago that is less than the period required for the acquistion of resident status under   section(6)(1)(a)(iii) that might otherwise be counted by a person towards the acquisition of such status in accordance with regulations made under this Act,    is lost upon the making of a deportation order aganist him,unless an appeal against such order is allowed by the Minister.

 (6) In nocase shall residence out of Trinidad and Tobago for the purpose of serving in the public service or diplomatic or other service of Trinidad and Tobago, cause loss of resident status.
50  (1) Nothwithstanding anything in part1 to the contrary, a person who, upon the commencement of this Act , was ordinarily resident in Trinidad and Tobago for a period of five years is entieled to apply to the Minister for the permission to become a resident, and the Minister may, if he thinks fit, grant such permission. An application under this subsection shall be made within one year of the commencement of this Actand no later, unless the MInister prescribes some further period, not exceeding three years, within which such application may be made.